

Street Workout Place_Member Cards



Further advantages of a membership with Street Workout Place


Figur verbessern und Special Moves erlernen? Du möchtest DEINE Ziele erreichen. Darum betreuen wir dich individuell.


You come by bike so you are warmed up right-away? There are parking spaces for your bike in front of the entrance.


Street Workout Place ist rund um die Uhr geöffnet und du kannst trainieren, wann immer es dir am besten passt.


Ob veganes Bananenbrot oder Zero Carb Proteindrinks. Als Mitglied bekommst du immer deine 10 % Member-Rabatt.


You enjoy training in groups? With your subscription you can participate in all Classes for free.

You can attend most of the Street Workout Place events free with you subscription. Exceptions will be communicated.


Whether you are going on a long business trip or simply enjoying a nice holiday, with us you can pause your subscription if you wish.


In the "Place" runs always the finest Old School Hip Hop music to your Street Workout - even in the middle of the night.


Street Workout Place is easily accessible by train. If you prefer the car, there are signposted parking spaces in front of the entrance.

Du bist interessiert, kennst aber den Sport „Street Workout“ zu wenig? Kein Problem, melde dich gleich für ein trial-workout. Du möchtest direkt mit einem Abo loslegen? Auch kein Problem => Online Shop

Special offer

Apprentices, pupils and students receive 20% off the annual subscription "MY SUCCESS"

Couples benefit from two annual "MY SUCCESS" subscriptions

Graduates of the Koch Driving School in Regensdorf receive a 150CHF voucher for annual "MY SUCCESS" subscription

Corporate clients, special conditions on request

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